Get to know us

Birth and Beyond is a community based organization located in Ongata Rongai, and operating

in the areas of Kware and Gataka,in Kajiado County.

The program started in the year 2019 as a mentorship program specifically addressing the

needs of teenage mothers. The Program led by Patricia Njeri who was herself a teenage mother

at the age of 19 years but due to her family’s support she was able to acquire college education

and worked in various sectors as a professional teacher, a banker and an entrepreneur.

The Program focuses on the geographical areas of Kware and Gataka which being low income

areas have high rates of teenage pregnancy and hence the gaping needs. The Program sources

the teenage mothers with the help of community health volunteers who work in those areas on

a day to day.

The Program organizes monthly counseling and mentorship sessions with the partnership of

professional counseling firms who offer pro bono services to the program.

The Programs’ overall goal is to ensure that the teenage mothers follow through with their

educational goals and therefore encourages them to do the same. The teenage mothers are at

different levels of education, with some in primary school, high schools and a few just having

completed high school.

The Program encourages the mothers to re~enter the main stream system, but those not able

to; have benefited from Partnerships that sponsors them for vocational training. These are

either individuals or institutions.


Donating is important

Help us empower a teenage mother.