Our Areas Of Impact

MENTORSHIP - A personal development program that takes young mothers on a series of topics aimed at equipping them with life skills. In 2023, we held a total of 300 mentorship sessions, done on a weekly basis for four months with a small group focus and during events with a larger group focus. In total we mentored 437 adolescent girls and young mothers.

PSYCHO-SOCIAL COUNSELING - Counselling aimed at helping the young mothers heal those internal psychological wounds and emerge as a whole person. In 2023, we managed to hold counselling sessions for 30 young mothers; 15 of them in collaboration with GVRC and 15 through the partnership of individual counselors and psycho therapists drawn from across the board.

DIGNITY KITS -  A package containing sanitary items for both the mother and the baby. Alongside this is a Food Pak containing dry foods to help tide the young mothers through rough stretches. In 2023, we managed to distribute a total of 828 dignity kits through the monthly meetups, individual visits and from the emergency calls received from the community health providers whilst the larger bit was during the mass events that we held in the community. Equally we managed to distribute a total of 80 Food Paks during the year during different events in the year.

EDUCATION -  Vocational skills depending on the area of interest of the young mother and the availability of sponsors. This includes income generating skills like cooking skills, soap making skills and financial literacy. In 2023, we managed to hold several sessions aimed at equipping the young mothers on various income generating skills especially cooking skills. Equally we had a financial expert conduct financial literacy session with a small group focus which culminated in equipping the young mothers with prudent financial management practices. In the year 2023, we however had no student joining the mainstream vocational institutions for formal training. However so far, we have had over 10 young mothers graduate from different vocational institutions under the sponsorship of both individuals and corporate organizations.

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